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Stamford Symphony Orchestra Presents “American Experience” Concert

On Wednesday, May 26, the Stamford Symphony Orchestra, one of ETM’s consulting clients, held its 3rd Annual American Experience Concert for the 4th and 5th graders attending Stamford public schools.  Guest conductor Teresa Cheung led the students through a program tracing America’s musical history from the Revolution through the Civil War.

The program and accompanying materials, designed by ETM, were aligned with State and National standards in Social Studies and Music.  Students particularly enjoyed a Yankee Doodle sing-along, “Old Man River,” and Leroy Anderson’s “The Typewriter.” 

Leading up to the concert,  ETM provided training and professional development for the Stamford music teachers, designed concert preparation lessons and activities, and provided insights on programming and presentation for the concert. 

In addition, ETM assisted the Orchestra this year in designing an after-school program curriculum, a “Composer of the Month” series for the public schools, and three informal “Exploring the Orchestra” concerts for 4-6 year-olds.