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2023 Gala Celebration

Education Through Music
2023 Gala Celebration
March 29, 2023
Ziegfeld Ballroom

At Education Through Music, we believe that every child, at every school, deserves access to a high-quality music education.
It is part of a well-rounded education, essential for students’ social and emotional well-being, and a critical tool for establishing equity and access.

This year, we are excited to celebrate together at the iconic Ziegfeld Ballroom where we will honor Warner Music Group for its DEI Initiatives and Paul Darrah, Director, Real Estate NYC, Google Real Estate. The evening will include Andy Hilfiger as our host, with a lineup of performances by our amazing students and other artists.  We will also recognize companies and individuals making their mark on education, the arts, and New York City. Join us to ensure equity in music education and celebrate the impact we make on our students and the New York City community.


thank you so much for celebrating with us.
click here to read about the successful evening!