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"We underestimate the importance of music at the expense of our youth."
– USA Today

In The News

See who is taking notice of the importance of music education.

Education Through Music joins bronxnet on open monday

CEO, Janice Weinman, joins BronxNet on OPEN Monday for a rich discussion about our program, impact across New York City, and how to get involved.

May 21, 2024

Education Through Music: ‘Making Music, Changing Lives’

Education Through Music (ETM) held its 2024 fundraising gala on Thursday evening at 583 Park Avenue. The event, “Making Music, Changing Lives,” brought together supporters, advocates, and community leaders in celebration of the transformative power of music in education.

May 20, 2024

Special program brings music class to over 50 New York City public schools

Education Through Music and its exemplary music education program was featured on ABC7 New York. The segment highlighted students, teachers, and the principal from ETM partner school PS 154 in Queens, as well as ETM’s CEO, Janice Weinman, speaking about the impact of ETM’s music programs. See how ETM is changing lives through the power of music education.

December 26, 2023

PoliticsNY and amNY 2023 Metro Power Players in Education
Bronx’s All Hallows High School Modern Band performs at Yankee Stadium

The All Hallows High School Modern Band from partner school All Hallows High School, led by its music director and ETM Teacher of the Year Alfredo Hernandez, performed the national anthem before the New York Yankees faced off against the Seattle Marines on Tuesday, June 20, 2023. All Hallows is located on East 164th Street in the Bronx just three blocks away from Yankee Stadium.

July 19, 2023

teacher from brooklyn has been awarded the 2023 music teacher of the year award

Alfredo Hernandez, a native Hispanic from Brooklyn, has been awarded the 2023 Music Teacher of the Year award by Education Through Music (ETM).

All Hallows High School did not have a music teacher for several decades until they partnered with ETM. Mr. Hernandez joined the school in 2021 and quickly built a comprehensive music program impacting all students. Mr. Hernandez serves as Professor of Music Technology at All Hallows and as Director of the All Hallows Modern Band. Through the music programs he has created, Mr. Hernandez has taught students who had never played an instrument; and he has inspired them to discover their musical talents.

May 26, 2023

Arts and music programs could receive less funding under new city budget
April 23, 2023

City and State logo

opinion: set aside 1% of school funding for arts education

As New York City Mayor Eric Adams calls for fiscal discipline, art and music classes should be preserved, especially for underserved students, says ETM CEO Janice Weinman, NYC Council Member Rita Joseph, and NY Council Member Chi Ossé in their latest op-ed.

April 14, 2023

education through music hosts 31st anniversary gala keeping music alive in schools

Education Through Music celebrated its 31st Annual Benefit Gala on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at the Ziegfeld Ballroom. The gala attended by nearly 400 people, raised over $650,000 and was emceed by musician and fashion entrepreneur Andy Hilfiger. The gala honored: Google, accepted by Paul Darrah, Director of Workplace Design and Delivery, Google Americas and Warner Music Group accepted by Chris Atlas, Executive Vice President, East Coast Operations & Urban Music at Warner Records.

March 30, 2023

December 4, 2022


Education Through Music was the recipient of the Arts & Culture Award at the 2nd Annual NYC Imagine Awards gala.  With nearly 250 applications submitted for consideration in five categories, we were selected because of the significant impact we have on underserved students in under-resourced schools across New York City through innovative programming. As a winner, we receive a grant of $5,000.

October 18, 2022

The Benefits Of Adding Musical Elements To Students’ Education
October 9, 2022

PoliticsNY and amNY Metro Power Players in Education
October 3, 2022

September 25, 2022

July 30, 2022

CLass size reduction could mean cuts to arts programs

July 18, 2022

Daily News Logo

Lower class sizes vs. music and art: We probably can’t have both

Executive Director Dr. Janice Weinman responds to the New York State legislature voting to lower class sizes in the New York City schools by highlighting its unintended consequences, and calls upon the governor, mayor, chancellor, and local elected officials to ensure that music and arts programming not be sacrificed.

June 29, 2022

Education Through Music 30th Anniversary Gala Raises $1 Million To Keep Music Alive In Public Schools

Education Through Music celebrated its 30th Annual Benefit Gala on Monday, June 13, 2022 at Cipriani 42nd Street. The gala included over 400 people and raised over $1M. ETM makes music education a reality for 20,000 K-12 students in under-resourced NYC schools annually.

June 14, 2022

Fortune Magazine Logo
Students are behind after the pandemic, and schools are crunched to catch up before state tests
Director of Curriculum and Programming Stephanie Nantell argues that when schools prioritize subjects like math and science over art and music as teachers in an effort to reverse “learning loss” caused by the pandemic, students miss out on the impact of arts education.

December 2, 2021

Daily News Logo

The art of a rounded education: As NYC schools work to counter learning loss, they must offer more music and art

Interim Executive Director Dr. Janice Weinman calls upon Mayor-elect Eric Adams to support music education in our schools during his upcoming tenure.

November 24, 2021


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