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Education Through Music Affiliates

ETM provides access to high-quality music education in New York City, Los Angeles, and Colorado!

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Our Unique Model

Partner with principals to develop a sustainable program in their school
  • Integrate the music program into the school culture
  • Offer professional development to non-music teachers
  • Equip new music classrooms
Hire qualified music teachers and match them with a partner school
  • Recruit, hire, and employ exceptional music teachers
  • Match teachers with the unique needs of each partner school
Equip teachers with the tools to succeed
  • Connect teachers to professional peer network
  • Provide year-round professional development
  • Assign mentors to provide resources and support
  • Provide teachers with relevant benchmarks to inform curricula design
Institute a sustainable program
  • Partner schools hire their teacher from ETM
  • ETM provides ongoing mentorship and professional development
Provide quality music education to students, no matter their background or circumstances.

Why is Music Education Important?

At Education Through Music, we believe that every child, at every school, deserves access to high-quality music education. It is part of a well-rounded education, essential for students’ social and emotional well-being, and a critical tool for establishing equity and access.

Well-Rounded Education

Music education is part of a well-rounded education for all children as understood and supported by federal and state policymakers.

Click here or scroll down to learn more about Well-Rounded Education.

Social and Emotional Well-Being

Music education supports students’ social and emotional well-being.

Click here or scroll down to learn more about Social and Emotional Well-being.

Equity and Access

Our organization exists because systemic racism has created inequities in access to education. We strive to help level the playing field for children from under-resourced communities by ensuring that all children have access to high-quality music education, no matter their background or circumstance.

Click here or scroll down to learn more about Equity and Access.

Well-Rounded Education

  • According to the Every Student Succeeds Act, music is an essential component of a well-rounded education.
  • 88% of families agree it is important that their child’s school has a music program. 
  • Quality general music education has been linked with the development of self-control, planning, and verbal intelligence: the life skills students need to make decisions, focus, plan, problem-solve, and juggle multiple tasks. It also fosters a motivation to learn music. (from Longitudinal Analysis of Music Education on Executive Functions in Primary School Children)

“I don’t think education is complete without music.”
– ETM Partner School Principal

“Without music, I feel a piece of me is missing.”
– ETM Partner School Student

Social and Emotional Well-Being

  • 70% of parents whose children attend ETM partner schools agree that learning music helps their child’s social development.
  • 85% of ensemble students say they have made at least one new friend through ensemble.
  • 79% of students say their music teacher or ensemble director cares about them as a person.
  • 72% of students say their music teacher or ensemble director is someone they can go to if they need help with something.

“Music does help me a lot, and it’s helped me get through some really difficult times.”
– ETM Partner School Student

“It’s empowering. It gives you a strength that no other activity can give you.”
– ETM Partner School Student

Equity and Access

  • 40% of students in new partner schools report they have never before had a general music class
  • 79% of families say it would be difficult for them to pay for private music lessons without a school music program
  • 85% of ETM partner public schools’ student population comes from low-income households

“I think the music program is just excellent. My child loves the music class she is in because she knows many schools don’t have music in their area.”
– ETM Partner School Parent

“ETM offers schools in low-income neighborhoods the opportunity for a quality music education and instrumental program.”
– ETM Partner School Principal

All data is from ETM’s 2018 Impact Report unless otherwise indicated.