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10 Rockstar Tips for Back-To-School

2021 Back to School Tips

It’s that time of year again, and we want to start it off right! After a whole year of online and hybrid classes, we’re ready to roll into the school year in style. Here are some tips from us here at ETM on how to prepare for everything this school year has to offer. 

ETM Students wearing masks
Our tip? Bring a mask for you AND a friend!

1. Always have a mask for you and a friend

Though we all loved being at home last year, we couldn’t wait to come back and make music together again. Now that we can, let’s do it safely by bringing 2 masks with us to school. You never know when someone’s going to need one. 

2. Start the day supercharged

Eat a good breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day!

3. Be ready to start fresh

The start of a new school year is the best time to make a fresh start. Make sure you set out an outfit that is uniquely you and make a goal to talk to at least one new person you may have never spoken to before. 

Students Dancing in Music Class
Get the blood pumping with a great playlist!

4. Get pumped with a fire playlist

Start a playlist. Get that blood pumping and enter school with swagger. Every good entrance needs its own song. (you can find ours here)

5. Stay dripped out with a great backpack

Get a really cute backpack that represents your personality. You’re gonna have to use it all year and you’re gonna be a lot happier to lug all your stuff around if you have a backpack you really love. 

6. Find your zen space

You want to make sure that you create a really clear, distraction-free zone where you can do your homework. Also, you can use this space to practice your music for band and choir or to study so you can have a thriving and successful school year. 

7. (For Parents) Bring in the FBI

This one’s for parents who are tired of one-word answers at the end of their child’s school day. FBI or Find Better Information through specific questions.

     “What was for lunch?”

     “What’s the funniest thing that happened today?”

     “Which one of your teachers would survive the zombie apocalypse and why?”

8. “On time” is late

Whatever you have to do at school, try to get there 15 minutes early. That way, you can have everything ready and you can relax a little bit before things happen. 

9. Pack a healthy lunch

You can’t learn on an empty stomach. Make sure you pack a healthy lunch before school so you have the energy you need to succeed!

10. Keep a handy-dandy-sani

Another way to keep you and your friends safe at school is to always have hand sanitizer with you. You can attach it to your backpack or your lunchbox and your hands will always be clean and germ-free!

🎶Bonus music tip🎵 Plan for success

When practicing new music, go in with a plan. Set small little goals and reward yourself when you achieve those goals. For example, Wanna get your fingerings written into your piano music? For every 4 measures you write fingerings for, give yourself a treat! (We suggest gummy bears 😋)

Boys playing piano
Practicing can be really tough, give yourself a reward for your hard work!