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Double Your Impact

Match your gift and increase your impact!

Many employ­ers have match­ing gift pro­grams that dou­ble or even triple con­tri­bu­tions from their employ­ees. Learn more about how quick and easy it is to match your gift:

  • SEARCH FOR YOUR COMPANY’S SUB­MIS­SION GUIDE­LINES. Search below for your company’s match­ing gifts pro­gram, match amount, eli­gi­bil­i­ty, and guide­lines. Once you select your com­pa­ny, you will be giv­en detailed instruc­tions on how to eas­i­ly sub­mit match­ing gifts.
  • IF YOU DON’T SEE YOUR COM­PA­NY LIST­ED, you can con­tact your HR depart­ment to see if your com­pa­ny has a match­ing gift pro­gram or sug­gest that they start one!
  • COM­PLETE AND SUB­MIT YOUR COMPANY’S MATCH­ING GIFT FORM. Your com­pa­ny may ask that you send your gift receipt, which was emailed if you gave online or mailed if you sent in a check.

var DDCONF = { API_KEY: “DU6FSt37XTGC4gVg” };

Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
Powered by Double the Donation


Please contact our team for more information and other ways to support ETM at development@etmonline.org, (212) 972-4788.