Will ETM cover up-front costs for events?
ETM does not provide any financial assistance for any events that outside organizations or individuals do. All costs are the responsibility of the organization or individual.
Send a check or money order payable to "Education Through Music, Inc." to:
Education Through Music, Inc.
122 East 42nd St., Suite 1501
New York, NY 10168
If you wish to direct your donation to a specific purpose or to donate in someone's honor, please indicate in the memo. Tax receipts will be mailed within one week.
Make a credit card donation by phone by calling the ETM office at: 212-972-4788, between 9:00am and 5:00pm Eastern Time.
Email development@etmonline.org or call 212-972-4788.
From organizing your own concert, bake sale or party, your support makes a difference. Take a look at our guidelines and fill out the form below to get started.
Information for organizations and individuals interested in supporting ETM with performances, fundraising opportunities, and other partnerships
Education Through Music (ETM) appreciates the assistance of outside organizations and individuals who wish to support ETM.
If you host an event that raises money for Education Through Music, you can make the check(s) payable to “Education Through Music” and mail to:
Education Through Music
122 E. 42nd St., Suite 1501
New York, NY 10168
If your contribution to ETM will include funding collected via the sale of tickets, products, or services, the Better Business Bureau requires the following: Promotional materials must “identify at the point of sale the actual or anticipated portion of the purchase price that will benefit the organization.” This must be listed as a dollar amount or a percentage of the purchase price (not of the net profit). If you are collecting donations distinct from sales, promotional materials should indicate what percentage of the collections will benefit the organization.
If you would like to develop an event, partnership, or other fundraising opportunities to support Education Through Music or have any questions about the information on this page, please contact us at info@etmonline.org. ETM requires a signed contract in some situations.
ETM does not provide any financial assistance for any events that outside organizations or individuals do. All costs are the responsibility of the organization or individual.
Because of the small size of our staff, we limit staff members attending events to speak to organizations or individuals who commit to raising a minimum of $1,000. A written agreement is required. Participation by a staff member is based on availability; not all locations, dates and times can be accommodated.
ETM does not release the names on our lists. Because we have a small list, we limit the number of promotional emails we send out. We will send out one email blast for any organization or individual that commits to raising a minimum of $10,000. A written agreement is required.
Education Through Music grants permission to organizations and individuals to use our name and logo for approved partnerships. Any print or digital materials should first be approved by ETM’s Marketing & Communications department.
ETM has a limited number of banners and printed promotional materials. These must be picked up and returned by participating organizations and individuals from ETM’s offices. An appointment is required, which can be scheduled by calling 212-972-4788, ext. 202.
We do not typically drive attendance or ticket sales for events. ETM does not commit to delivering or driving attendance at events, or participation in promotions.