Our Impact
We’re positively impacting school communities and the lives of thousands of underserved students across New York City.
Our Work Strikes a Chord
Research shows that students who have access to music education from a young age receive substantial long-term benefits. Metis Associates, a NYC-based research firm, conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the ETM program during the 2023-24 school year.
Preliminary findings reveal positive impacts across multiple areas. Based on teachers’ responses, our instruction fosters teamwork, engagement, and persistence, as well as student growth in oral expression, critical thinking, and autonomy. Students reported that music education contributed to their attentiveness, behavior, and DEI skills. Additionally, teachers and parents noted that the program impacted transferable life skills like self-confidence and problem-solving. Teachers and students indicated that music making contributed to a positive school culture. ETM schools increased their overall academic achievement.
Our Historical Impact
Since 1991, ETM has been advancing educational equity in NYC schools while building a pipeline of high quality music teachers to strengthen the profession.