Tom Carroll, man sitting at piano

Alumni Spotlight: Tom Carroll

Meet Tom Carroll, ETM Alumni Chair, who after starting his teaching career with ETM, has since launched and developed several successful music programs across NYC. Tom talks with us about how he got involved with Education Through Music, what he loves most about the profession, and the impact ETM has had on his career.

Launching ETM’s Workforce Development Program

ETM is excited to launch the pilot of its Workforce Development Program in schools this February 2024! The program is designed to create a pipeline of more music teachers for ETM to hire and place in our partner schools. The need for this pipeline has become critical as the national teacher shortage has continued to cause staffing issues not just for music teachers, but teachers in all subject areas across the country.In Spring 2024, we launched our Workforce Development Program, an innovative new initiative that addresses the teacher shortage in New York City public schools by offering an alternative pathway for aspiring teachers. Through an experiential apprenticeship model, participants are equipped with the necessary pedagogical knowledge and classroom experience to thrive as educators in some of the city’s most underserved schools. We’re excited to share the results of the inaugural program, as well as highlight the first three interns to complete it and become fully participating teachers in the school system.

Teacher Spotlight: Davian Alleyne

Meet Davian Alleyne, a native of Barbados and a 2023-2024 ETM Teacher at P.S. 236 in the Bronx. Davian, who is an accomplished musician and is pursuing a MA in Music Education at Hunter College, shares with us his experiences as an ETM Teacher this 2023-2024 school year.