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Announcing the 2022 ETM Annual Teacher of the Year Award

We are thrilled to announce that the inaugural recipient of the 2022 ETM Annual Teacher of the Year Award is Tom Carroll!

Tom has been a NYC music teacher for over 10 years. He joined Education Through Music in 2010, first teaching at PS 169 in the Bronx and then at PS 154 in Queens, where he continues to teach today, now for the New York City Department of Education. At PS 154, Tom teaches all students from Kindergarten through 5th grade, leading a general music program that includes choir, musical theatre, and music technology.

In Tom’s own words: “I entered this profession to make an impact on a world and society who needs the power of music more than ever – to ignite the flame of community and use our passion as educators to elevate the voices of the voiceless and bring hope to those who need it most.”

The ETM Annual Teacher of the Year Award is designed to recognize and celebrate music teachers who exemplify a commitment to their own professional growth, demonstrate a commitment to engaging all students, and have had a positive impact on the school community that extends beyond their music room.

As one of Tom’s 5th grade students wrote about Tom’s music classes: “Music class has always made me feel like I can express myself in many ways. One way is by singing in a way that feels united, fun, and connected. One more way is that we can also express ourselves through music by actually composing it through music technology. This is how music class makes me feel.”

As a fellow PS 154 teacher puts it: “Tom works hard to make sure that all of the students are actively engaged in all things musical. His students sing, dance, read and write music, among many other things.  He integrates technology into his lessons, where the children are composing on their devices.  Through his tutelage, Tom has created lovers of all things music related. The concerts that he puts on at the school are enjoyed by students, faculty and parents.  These are events that we all look forward to each year.”

We would like to recognize and thank all of the fantastic music teachers who chose to share their remarkable passion and talents by submitting. You are all equally deserving of this award!