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Become a Broadway Star Right From Your Home!

By ETM Social Media and Content Manager Jennifer Williams

Have you ever dreamed of starring in a Broadway musical? Perhaps you find yourself belting out your favorite showtunes in the shower? Or you used to perform concerts for your stuffed animals? 

Education Through Music’s in-house Broadway guru (and Instructional Supervisor) Beth Buehlman shares with us steps on creating an At-Home Musical

From Cats to Phantom of the Opera, the musical possibilities are endless!

Steps for Creating an At-Home Musical: 

Showstopper Songs

A musical is a story told through dialogue (what characters say to each other), and songs are used to give the audience important information. For example, a song might communicate how a character is feeling, or something that is happening in the story.  Pick a song that fits in your vocal range (it isn’t too high or too low for you to sing) and that has a story or theme you’re interested in singing. Don’t forget to practice!

Costumes and Scenery

Time to raid your closets! Find costume pieces from your wardrobe that help to tell the story of your character. If your character is a king? Find something to stand in for a crown or a scepter! 

For the set, it’s time to get creative! Couches can become mountain ranges, sheets can become oceans, those delivery boxes can create an entire village. Inspiration is all around us!

Tickets and Programs

You have been rehearsing and preparing your musical, it’s time to make up tickets and programs for your audience! Tickets usually include the date and time of the show and seat numbers (if you are assigning seats). Programs include information about the show, biographies about the actors, names of the production staff, and other helpful information. Have fun and make it festive for everyone!


This is the moment you have been waiting for! With butterflies in your stomach, the excitement of opening night is here! You’ve made it! Take a breath, and sing your heart out! Bravo! 



We would love to see your musicals! Be sure to “hire” an at-home videographer, and record your show! Be sure to tag and share with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, @ETMonline. 

Find accessories and wardrobe pieces from around your house for costumes!
From towels to sheets, household items can help transform your home into a Broadway stage!
Create a program to let your audience know who is starring in the show!