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Teacher Superhero - Brian Wright

By ETM Marketing and Communications Associate Jennifer Williams

When you think of music class, what are the first things that come to mind? Sounds, both beautiful and new (sometimes not so good!). Voices uniting as one. Instruments creating harmonies. Hands clapping with joy.

Music class is a place where students and teachers can express themselves. And even though music class looks different now, it is still a time where teachers are getting creative, showcasing new and exciting ways to bring music to their students even at home. 

First-year ETM teacher Brian Wright has adapted his classroom techniques to push the limits of distance learning, offering his characteristically high-energy, innovative lessons and songs to his students at home.  

VIDEO: Brian reads “Max Found Two Sticks” virtually for his students.

“Brian is a vibrant and engaging music educator who always seeks to challenge his own teaching for the sake of his students’ development,” shared ETM Instructional Supervisor Kevin Johnson. “He consistently displays enthusiasm in his teaching!”

Through story, or by introducing his students to popular music, counting out rhythms, and practicing songs together, Brian has found a way to use his big smile and warm presence to reach his students through their computer screens. 

VIDEO: Brian teaches students different rhythms using popular songs.

For many of Brian’s students music class is a place where they can learn and feel connected for a class period. He said, “Distance learning, I believe, has been really hard for us as teachers. I teach elementary school and I miss the hugs, smiles, and the stories. Kids always have the best stories.  Knowing that we can’t physically be there with them is very disheartening, but as I continue to make videos I keep in mind that I’m  giving them hope and reminding them that they are not alone in this.”

Brian will kick off ETM’s first LIVE Facebook lesson, Friday, May 1, 2020 at noon. Join him (and his students) for some singing and dancing, and welcome a little music class into your day, too.