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Teacher Spotlight - Kyle Quirion


One-on-One with ETM Teacher Kyle Quirion –  M.S. 180


What inspired you to become a teacher?
Music teachers were my biggest role models and mentors as I grew up. I found my niche and my music teachers went above and beyond to help me achieve success in music. The opportunities and extra attention I received from my music teachers are why I have achieved the success that I have today. As a teacher, it is my goal to give my students the same opportunities in music that will help them grow and wonder, just like my teachers did for me.

How do you feel you are making an impact on your students?
Musically, I feel that my students are being exposed to many different kinds of choral music, which in turn can be a window into the world. My students are singing music in languages they have never heard of and genres they would never listen to otherwise. However, my impact comes from more than just the musical side of my job. A music teacher wears many hats, and by teaching middle school  I am also a counselor, mentor, and life coach. Many of my students struggle and battle to get through their school day with anxiety, depression, and a multitude of other things that make it very difficult for them to achieve success. It gives me the most joy to help a student through their toughest moments and give them a glimpse of peace in their hectic day. The connections I share with my students are the highlight of my day.

Tell us a funny teaching story that has happened to you in the classroom?
One day while we were doing the “12345, 54321” warm-up, I was busy accompanying the kids and wasn’t paying attention closely to what they were doing- I  hadn’t even finished my coffee yet! I looked up after a few key changes and discovered that the class had formed a full-on kick line to go with their warm-up! This has now become a daily tradition, so now we add the kickline to the warm-up every class!

What does it mean to you to be a partner of Education Through Music?
Being a partner of Education Through Music means that I’m part of a larger family of music teachers that I can rely on for anything. ETM provides constant support for any needs of their music teachers, support that no other subject in the school gets on such a focused level. ETM has spread love and music all throughout NYC and I feel so special to be part of the family.