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Celebrating 30 Years

"If music be the food of love, play on!" - William Shakespeare

2021 marks our 30th anniversary. Since our very first music class, in our very first partner school, we’ve been striving to achieve something we think should be simple: access to high-quality music education for every child in New York City.


While we still have work to do, songs to sing, students to reach, we invite you to reflect on the last three decades with us.  And we hope you’ll join us in celebrating everything we–and you–have accomplished for NYC’s students.

Take a look at some of our highlights below, and cheer on our students and teachers by sharing your own stories with us on social media at @etmonline. And use the hashtag #ETM30 to join the conversation!

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How do you measure 30 years at ETM?

hours of music education provided
students in our classrooms
NYC partner schools
school bands started
school orchestras started
student concerts performed
student musicians at the ETM Festival